Saturday, July 2, 2011

If at First You Don't Succeed, Try Try Again.

  My life lately has been no less than crazy.  The last few weeks in May were spent preparing for my nieces and nephews first visit to Florence. Of course I wanted to make sure that everything was as perfect  as possible and that they were able to see as much as they could in the shot amount of time that they had.  It was amazing.  There are 5 of them between the ages of 16 and 23 and they were enthralled and captivated with everything that they saw and everything that they ate.  I loved seeing them experience the country that I love so much.  It was hectic and at times stressful and there was A LOT of planning that went into just 10 short days.  But it was worth every wonderful memory that was created with them and I know that it changed the way that they see the world. I hope that they will now be curious and want to see more.

After they left on June 10th,  it was then time for me to prepare myself for my next challenge. Project Accessory. Yes that’s right, like Project Runway my all time favorite television show, the producers are launching a spin off show for accessory designers.  And I thought what the heck? What do I have to loose by trying, in fact I can only gain an experience.  So I gathered together what I felt were my best designs, called my girls over for a little photo shoot, got my portfolio together, filled out a very loooooooooong application, packed it all up and headed to L.A for the open calls.  I got there early; I brought a few samples of my work and got through the first screening process, which allowed me in to see the judges, I tried my best to charm their pants off.  They looked at my work for about 2 minutes and told me they would let me know……….

OMG!! The waiting has been excruciating! So after 5 days of trying to be as patient as possible I finally had my response…..
Unfortunately they will not be needing me this season as they have already found their cast. Bummer. Oh well I gave it a shot and gained some valuable experience along the way. I got an opportunity that many designers will never get and I now understand that there is much work to be done. Maybe I’m not cut out to be a reality show contestant, but that’s not to say that I won’t try again. Maybe I will. Who knows?! For me what matters is that I tried and that I made myself completely vulnerable. And I’m very happy I did it.  As a wise man once said, "Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." -T.S. Eliot
So it’s now time to move on to the next adventure and push myself a little harder. My new goal is to finally realize some designs that I have been imagining for quite a while now and see what happens next. 
There will also be a shift in focus here as well. When I began this blog it really functioned as an outlet for me while being in a job that was not helping me to thrive.  Now I can finally begin to truly focus on the Florence that I love, a Florence of art and fashion.  So keep your eyes out for a where to shop guide and updates about great artists and designers in this city and anywhere I find them.
I will be in L.A/San Diego until July 13th and then back to hot steamy Firenze and my love! So ciao for now my friends.


  1. I'm proud of you. It takes guts putting yourself out there. I'd love to see you. I might be able to put you in contact with someone who could help with your exposure. When you are in LA, come over and meet my son and soon to arrive daughter. We really should catch up. - Jacki

  2. Thanks Jac! I would love to catch up, I think I should be in L.A at the end of next week and next weekend I would love to meet up! I'll fb you the details!

  3. You are amazing Sara! Your courage is inspiring, and I am so excited to hear that your perseverance has only become stronger. I can't wait to see those new designs!

  4. Thanks Christine! Having the support of friends like you certainly helps me to be courageous. Thanks for believing in me!


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