Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Pictures Worth a Thousand Words....

.....Or at least I hope so anyway, becasue I don't have too much to say!  I know I promised that I would be back in a day or two with more interesting content, I am afraid dear readers that I am just not feeling up to it in my current state of vegetation. My horoscope today told me that it was perfectly acceptable for me to hibernate for the next 36 hours so I am going to do exactly that! This jet-lag is seriously kicking my arse!  I tried to go to bed at a decent hour last night, I fought off the 2pm desire for a nap and hoped that this would help me get a good nights sleep. Well falling asleep wasn't a problem, it was the staying asleep! I woke up at 1:30 and that was it! I was up all night long. I was finally able to fall asleep again around 5a.m and then had to peel myself out of bed at about 10:30. Ugh!!

I did manage to get myself to the gym for a good hour so at least I'm not totally out of it!  And ya know something else? It's COLD out there, so for now, the couch, the kitty and the hubby are all I need!

I did begin to sort though the 400+ photos that I took "When in California" (and Nevada) so here's a peak at a few of my favorites.  Enjoy and I'll be back soon.

Oh and FYI for those of you that are planning a trip to Europe, be forewarned, the jet-lag is killer.

 A little Happy hour San Diego Style
We had 2 of those Margaritas each! Too good to stop at one!

And this was the sunset on our last night in California. Just down the street from Mom and Dad's
 Seriously. Beautiful

 One I will remember for a VERY long time.

Vegas Baby!!!! We had so much fun! My cheeks hurt from laughing. Great memories with my big sis.

 New York and Paris in the same night!

And another incredible California sky.

 One of my favorite things about California is the sky at dusk. The light there is amazing!
Who needs Santa when you have rainbows coming down your chimney?

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