Over the past 5 months I have been working with the presidents and members of 3 women's groups to help organize a contemporary art show showcasing the works of American Artists living and working in Florence. It was a learning experience to say the least! We had our ups and downs, our snags and pulls but in the end a great success!! We couldn't be happier with the way the show came together and with the opening reception that took place last night at Il Palagio di Parte Guelfa in the center of the city just near the Piazza della Republica.
The show is one of the many events that will be taking place this year celebrating
Amerigo Vespucci and his connection with the United States of America. Along with the two shows being held at
Palazzo Strozzi including the contemporary art exhibit
American Dreamers and
Americans in Florence, Sargent and the American Impressionist as well as several other events that will continue throughout the year.
We were honored to have our show inaugurated by
Robert Shackelford, secretary of the Association of American Colleges and University Programs (AACUPI),
U.S. Consul General Sarah Craddock Morrison,
Rosanna Cirigliano, journalist, editor of Vista, Florence & Tuscany and
Linda Falcone, editor and author of several books about life in Italy and who is very involved in recognizing and supporting women artists in Florence.
The show has an eclectic mix of work ranging from representational oil painting and portrait drawing to gorgeous sculptures in bronze and terra cotta as well as photography and monoprints. The work will be on display for one week only so don't miss it! Head on over and support the artists!
And of course a special thank you to my partner in crime, the amazing and beautiful and incredibly organized
Christine Dickert, the
Y.A.W.N (Young Anglo Women's Network) president, Leslie Buskirk the head of Network and Karen Shannon of A
ILO (The American International League of Florence)
And all of the beautiful photos that you see here are by
Birgitte Bronsted